Real Estate Blog

7 Tips for Preparing the Home for an Open House

A common part of the process of selling a home is hosting at least one open house. Many realtors will agree that this is often the most important part of the home selling process. An open house is often the first and last impression people will have to give of their home to buyers.

This often means that home sellers feel a lot of pressure when preparing for an open house. It can be difficult to remember all the essentials and avoid making any big mistakes. Here are seven tips for preparing the home for an open house that can help put every seller at ease.

Up the home’s security

When opening a house up to the public, it is a good idea for every home owner to increase the security of the space. This will not only make them feel more comfortable, but will also protect their asset. Home owners can look at ADT Security for California Homes to see their options in the area.

Cut back on personal items on display

Most people have a lot of personal items and specific décor around their homes. Some of these things might include pictures or family heirlooms. Though these things may be appropriate for the family, it is best to keep these things out of sight while the open house is in session.

Learn what buyers are looking for today

Trends can change and the housing market can sift overnight. It is a good idea for sellers to do a little research on what trends are most popular in homes today and what buyers are looking for. Home sellers can then make a few small changes to stage their home to meet these demands.

Clean, clean, clean

A cluttered house or dirty space is a distraction that most buyers cannot get over. It is essential to have the place as clean and organized as possible when buyers arrive. Everyone can take a little time to deep clean as much as possible, or hire a professional cleaning service.

Leave a fresh scent

In addition to a clean space, it also resonates well with everyone looking to buy a home if the place smells fresh and clean. Having some fresh flowers in the main rooms or using an essential oil diffuser are just a couple simple additions to make the whole house seem more appealing.

Make the simple repairs

Most homes have little repairs that are needed at any given time, no matter how old or new the house is. It is common for sellers to put off these repairs, but to make the best impression and avoid eyesores during an open house, it is best to have those repairs taken care of.

Get the word out

After the home is completely ready, it is time to spread the word. Work with a realtor to advertise the open house and get potential buyers in the door to make the sale.


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