Real Estate Blog

Great Tips For Renting Military Apartments


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Moving into any property is hard work. There are so many questions that need answering, plus there is the pressure of the process. You are spending a lot of money, so you want to minimalize any risks that could occur. But, if you are in the military do these questions change? There is a difference between renting military owned property and civilian property. For instance, as part of the military you move around the country and don’t stay in one place for a long amount of time. Don’t worry though, everything you need to know is in the list below.

1.Military Clause

More specifically, is there a military clause in your rental agreement? If you do move from one property to another on a regular basis, you need an agreement with your landlord. If you don’t, you could get stuck paying rent on numerous properties, and that would cost you a fortune. The military clause gives you the flexibility and peace of mind to know that if you do get deployed elsewhere, everything will be fine financially for your previous home. Make sure you understand the agreement, however. Just because there is a clause in there doesn’t mean it will sit you. One great example is to give the landlord thirty days’ notice before you have to move elsewhere.

2.‘Special’ Payments

Before you hire a military apartment, some landlords might want extra protection for their properties. Believe it or not, some people don’t like to rent their properties to the military because they think that there is a better chance of something going wrong. That can reflect in your contract.

Check the contract for anything that doesn’t agree with you. How much is the security deposit? Why is that much? Are there any other types of deposits? Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get the answers. The majority of the stipulations will have very good answers, and they will be negotiable, so everything is not set in stone.

3. Late Fees

If you have to move outside of the country, there might come a time when you can’t pay on time. Even if you set up, a monthly direct debit things are always changing. If there is change to your circumstances, but you are away, you don’t want to get hit with late charges. You could be away for up to six months.

Talk to your estate agent or directly to the landlord and mention the possibility of late fees. They should understand your situation and come to a compromise that suits both parties. Let’s face it; you’re good for the money and your reputation as a member of the armed forces is stellar.

4.Making Changes

What changes can you make? Or more pertinently, what changes can’t you make? You might have military equipment that you bring home with you that is not particularly family friendly. Make sure you know what your landlord is comfortable with you storing in the property.

Most of these are general property questions, just with a military twist.

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