Real Estate Blog

Getting your house ready for sale

Are you looking to put your house up for sale? There’s more to the process than simply putting up a for sign and waiting for a knock on the door. There are a few things you should do in order to get your house ready for sale. To get ready your house for sale NL residents need to understand that the goal of this preparation isn’t simply to present your house in its best light. It is to help each visitor to your house in the background and allow themselves to imagine the life that they themselves could have in the house. It’s about drawing people into your home and making them feel as though they are already at home.

Generally, the first thing you should do is hire a reputable real estate agent to help sell your home. They will then get the word out about your house by advertising the sale in the appropriate places, such as on their website and in the newspaper. They can even alert current buying customers on their roster that a new home has come on the market, and take them through your home for a walkthrough. Before that happens, though, you’ll need to ensure that your home is as seller-friendly as possible.

The more presentable your home is, the better the chances are that it will sell quickly. What does that mean in practical terms? The following are some things you can do to give your house a facelift and make it more ready for sale.


Paint is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to give your home a new look. A fresh coat of paint can give any home new life. Be careful, though. Neutral colours are best because they will appeal to the widest audience. This isn’t the time to express yourself.


Nothing makes a home look smaller and more cramped than excess clutter. By clearing clutter you will create a more organized, clean and more spacious look to your home.


Taking care of your outdoor spaces is another way to make your home welcoming and inviting to prospective buyers. Get rid of any junk and be sure your walkways are clear and in good repair. Plant some brightly coloured flowers and get a new welcome mat.


This may sound obvious, but before your house is shown to a prospective buyer, it’s important that you thoroughly clean every room. Make the beds, clean the bathrooms and kitchen, vacuum every room and clean up the kids’ areas. Put away toys and other kids’ paraphernalia. Remember that you are trying to help the prospective buyers envision their own life in the house, not get distracted by the trappings of yours.


Another thing you can do before your home is ready for sale is to depersonalize as much as possible. Put away your collection of family photos and take down your collection of sports memorabilia. This items will detract from the “blank slate” image you are going for during this process.

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