Real Estate Blog

Must-Have Tools for Successful Real Estate Brokers

Must-Have Tools for Successful Real Estate Brokers

We've produced a list of the most well-liked and efficient tech tools for contemporary real estate brokers to help you explore it and pick the tools that are best for you.

These tools will assist you in achieving your goals and saving time, whether you want to improve your lead generation, email marketing campaigns, organise your countless chores, or find new ways to win over your prospects. Read on to know the best real estate brokerage tools.


When given the option, people prefer to watch videos, which makes video the most effective form of advertising for real estate. Video is a fantastic way to interact, from client testimonials to property walkthroughs. But if you're not especially talented at making videos, try Biteable to produce polished ones. Use Biteable to add custom text overlays, animations, colour schemes, and b-roll video. Just upload your HD TV-quality videos to Facebook or YouTube.


A tool called Matterport provides the best 3D tours of the properties. The company's website claims that 74% of agents who use Matterport secure more listings. In addition to having a free iOS software, Matterport also provides a done-for-you service where they take the images.

Virtual tours made possible by Matterport's 3D photography services may really elevate your showings.


Doorsteps is a website that assists you in managing your rentals, promoting your listings, screening tenants, and obtaining an overview of all the data you require to function in real estate successfully.


You'll spend a lot of your time developing postcards, posters, brochures, and other marketing materials because it is a large part of your job. But you're a real estate agent, not a graphic designer.

Let Canva to save the day. Canva is an intuitive drag-and-drop graphic design tool that makes it simple to produce expert-quality graphics.


You can electronically capture your clients' signatures with DocuSign. Because the signed documents are safely stored in the cloud, this results in quicker transactions, reduced paper use, and no lost documentation.

You can submit proposals right away because your clients can sign from anywhere (not just your office) (from the property, from your car, etc.) These files can also be immediately uploaded to Dropbox or Google Drive (among others). In any real estate transaction, every electronic signature created with DocuSign is equally valid as a handwritten signature.


Hootsuite allows you to schedule social media postings for Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms, just like Buffer. You may follow important social media influencers and follow conversations on Hootsuite. You can see what people are saying about you, your rivals, the real estate sector in general, and your local market in particular without ever leaving Hootsuite.


You want to claim every deduction you are entitled to during tax season. MileIQ excels in this area. It's a straightforward tool that lets you track your miles.

You don't need to manually record your driving because it tracks it in the background automatically. To keep monitoring simple, you simply swipe between personal and professional drives.

What's more, your subscription to MileIQ is tax deductible.


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