Real Estate Blog

What to Look for when Finding a Real Estate Agent

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A real estate agent can be a fantastic help when it comes to buying and selling property. But you’ve got to be very careful when it comes to picking one. A lot of people seem to go for the first real estate agent they find. But you have to make sure that the agent is willing to go the distance and prove their worth.

Positive feedback

Before you do business with anyone, you want to make sure others have had a positive experience. This goes for pretty much anything. Online merchants, outsourcers, lawyers, you name it. You need to ensure that these businesses have provided others with a satisfactory service. The same goes for real estate agents.


It’s easy enough to find a testimonials page on any business website. But, of course, you’re not going to find anything but very positive feedback on these pages. You need to look to independent sources in order to find accurate feedback from previous clients. Resources like Zillow allow users to browse reviews for real estate agents in pretty much any area. You should definitely be looking through as many positive and negative comments as you can find.

Meeting your needs

You need to find a real estate agent who will be able to meet your needs, instead of just fulfilling their own requirements. You have to remember that real estate agents have their own goals with every client. Some will take a proactive approach and try to impose their own desires onto your decisions. This is not the kind of real estate agent you want!


Whether a real estate agent is going to put your own aims before their own is something you should be able to glean from looking at previous feedback. It’s not all that easy to tell, however. One way you can prevent such a negative scenario is to try to look for real estate agents who specialize in the area of your needs. Let’s say you want to focus on getting luxury properties. In which case, you could go to a business like G1 Property. You’re more likely to share goals in common if you take this approach.


Before you sign up with any real estate agent, you should consult with them. You can arrange a meeting with them and discuss your needs. Get a feel for how much they know about your property and the type of property you’re looking for. See how much they know about the sort of neighborhood you’re looking to move into. Ideally, you should be going through this process with at least three real estate agents before making a decision.


Knowing how knowledgeable a given real estate agent is is essential. You’ve also got to find out a lot more about how they’ve been conducting business recently. How long have they been working at that particular location? Have they managed to sell a lot of property in the last year or so? What do they feel their personal strengths are as a real estate agent? You’ve got to make these agents sell themselves to you.

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