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What to Know About Apartment Utilities & How to Save on Them!

Depending on where in the country you live, the cost of utilities may surprise you, pleasantly or otherwise. 

But one thing is consistent. You have more control over your utility costs than you think! Beyond mindful conservation, a few tricks can help keep your utility bills under control and within budget. 

Stick around; we'll share some of them and provide a quick overview of utility bills and how they work. 

How Much is the Average Electricity Bill? 

Your electricity bill will probably be the largest you'll receive each month. It includes the energy expended from running the HVAC, your appliances, and other electronics like your home's lighting, fans, etc. 

Electricity bills tend to vary by state, so depending upon where you live, you can expect to pay more or less than the national average. An updated study on utilities by sites Hawaii as the state with the largest electricity bills ($215 per month on average). At $81 per month, Utah has the most reasonable electricity bill. 

Geography, population size, weather, and industrial consumption are all factors that may influence electricity prices state-by-state. 

Saving on Your Electric Bill

Proper maintenance and moderate use of your HVAC system go a long way toward lowering your bills, so be sure to change the air filters regularly and address any functionality concerns swiftly. Install a smart thermostat to help more efficiently regulate your home's climate. 

Conserve energy by leaving the unit off when the weather is cool enough outside. Set it a few degrees higher in the summer and lower in the winter, so the unit doesn't have to constantly run to maintain the ambient temperature. 

Ensuring your doors and windows are sealed correctly helps your HVAC conserve energy during cold and warmer months. Keep windows and doors sealed adequately during the cold winter months and use draft blockers if needed. 

You'll also be surprised at the difference it makes in your monthly bill just by unplugging electric devices and turning the TV and lights off when not in use. Energy-saving LED bulbs and smart power strips help a lot, too!

How Much is the Average Water Bill?

The efficiency by which a municipal water company can transport water to the consumer from its source significantly impacts your water bill. Water prices may also vary between states due to privatization practices and weather patterns. 

For instance, due to these factors, moving from North Carolina (the state with the lowest average water bills) to West Virginia (the state with the highest) will cost you $85 more per month. 

Saving on Your Water Bill

Reducing your water bill has everything to do with consumption. Taking shorter showers and being mindful of how much water you use while washing dishes are two ways to help curb the cost.

Use dishwashers with eco-friendly features and change out your standard showerheads for those designed specifically for water conservation. 

Finally, fix running toilets and leaky faucets ASAP. Check outdoor water hoses for leaks, and use a nozzle designed for water conservation. 

How Much is the Average Gas Bill?

Alaska is the costliest state regarding gas consumption (usually $150 per month, on average). At an average of $46 per month, Florida has the most affordable gas bills. 

That said, states have varying tax rates and fixed charges associated with natural gas billing. That's primarily due to expenses for things like billing, line maintenance, metering, etc. You should always check your bill for the itemization of these costs. 

Saving on Your Gas Bill

Your gas bill may be lower than some because you're great at moderating your hot water use, and you've learned to heat your house efficiently.

While that's an excellent start, you may even shave a few more dollars off your bill by using the energy-efficient setting on your dishwasher and the cold water setting on your washing machine.  

How Much is the Average Cable & Internet Bill?

Your internet and cable bills will likely vary due to the competitive rates of your local providers. But equipment matters, too. For instance, you may need satellite service if you live in a rural area, which is often much more expensive than the standard service offered in more populated areas. 

Saving on Monthly Cable & Internet Bills

Prices for cable packages and internet plans are almost always negotiable. As we said above, the competition between local providers drives costs, and most companies are happy to accommodate a potential long-time customer. Also, ask about package discounts, sign-up bonuses, and other special offers. 

Reducing Your Utility Bills Helps Everyone!

While reducing your household utility bills to save money is a great goal, don't forget you'll be helping to save the planet, too! With some planning and executing household rules designed around conservation, achieving both goals should be a snap! 

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