Real Estate Blog

The Benefits of Using an Online Estate Agent

Research has shown that over 90% of people who are looking to move house and buy a property begin their search online. With this in mind, it stands to reason that as a vendor you want your property to be visible to the masses. Whilst traditional High Street estate agents do use online portals to advertise, a good online estate agent, by its very nature has the ability to exploit many more. So what are some of the other benefits of using an online estate agent for your house move?


One of the most obvious benefits is that an online property portal is convenient. It’s open for business 24/7 and allows potential property seekers to log in from the comfort of their own homes and start their property search at any time of the day or night. 

Saving Money

Unlike High Street premises, online estate agents don’t have the overheads that traditional estate agents have. This means that they can and often do pass that saving directly on to the customer. Most estate agents charge upwards of 1.5% commission on any property they sell, whereas an online company will charge you a fraction of this cost.

You Still get all the Services

Most online property portals and estate agents offer most of the same services that you would get from more traditional means. This includes property write up’s and floor plans, arranging visits and vetting buyers, all of which can be done at a much cheaper rate.

No Hidden Extras

Another excellent benefit with reputable online estate agents and property portals are that there are zero hidden fees. Online estate agents offer various payment options depending on the different types of selling package you have with them and indeed, which company you use. However this is either a one off flat fee or it’s a smaller monthly charge until sold. Whatever the option, you wouldn’t then expect to hand over any more cash if and when your house sells. In essence you know exactly what the fees are going to be and you can budget accordingly.

Online property portals and online estate agents are becoming much more popular and it’s a service that’s only going to grow in stature as people make the transition from traditional to web based property buying and selling. The benefits are there for all to see, and for digital savvy people it offers convenience, plus a great saving opportunity, that bricks and mortar estate agents simply can’t match. For more information go online at

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