Real Estate Blog

Spring Improvements

Spring appears to have sprung with Crocuses and Daffodils splashing colour onto our newly green grass verges and daylight saving just around the corner. With the change in the seasons comes the unfathomable desire to start improving your home; whether it is DIY projects, planting new pots up for the garden or organising your kitchen space. There is something about Spring that makes everyone want to declutter and improve things so that everywhere feels as fresh and new as it does outdoors.

Of course we can’t tackle everywhere at once so let’s start by looking at great ways to freshen up your kitchen this Spring.

Why this Room

The kitchen is the most important room to get right in any household. Often it is referred to as the heart of the home and this is once again starting to ring true as more and more people return to traditional cooking methods using fresh ingredients, hence spending an increased amount of time in the kitchen once more. I think that often it is around this time of year that ideally we’d all get newly polished marble worktops and glossy cabinets in our kitchens. And if you can afford to spruce up your kitchen in this way then by all means go for it and make the rest of us jealous.

DIY Tricks

If however, you are working to a limited budget or simply don’t have the time to allow for such large scale refurbishments then there are plenty of other tricks you can use to freshen up your kitchen.
Start with the cabinets, if these are a wood or board of some sort then they are easily altered with paint and basic materials. You can use a range of painting techniques giving varied results; from waxing or distressing to give a country farmhouse look to spray painting with high gloss paint for a contemporary minimalist look, this cheap and fast way to doctor your cupboard fronts can radically change your space.

Cheat It

The best cheats trick is that good quality appliances will give an updated and more contemporary look to any kitchen. Switch from cheap white plastic to a matching chrome kettle and toaster and you will be amazed at the difference this makes. The way that you dress your kitchen also has a big effect on the overall mood of the room. Consider colours, patterns and decor carefully when choosing blinds, wallpaper/paint and even smaller things like tea towels and oven gloves, every little thing adds up to the whole picture so don’t dismiss these seemingly small details.

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