Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Blog (Page 28)

Should You Hire a Handyman or a Contractor for Home Repairs?

When you are a homeowner you know that anything can go wrong at any moment. The faucets can leak, mold can grow on the ceiling, the power can out, the pipes can freeze or rust – the list is really endless and each and every time it happens, no matter how severe it is, it is still a headache. When something does go wrong, do you call a handyman or a contractor? It is important to understand that contractors and handymen usually perform vastly different... ❯❯❯

How To Protect Your Vacant Property

If you have a property which will be left vacant for some time, you will want to find a way to make sure it remains safe and secure. The threat of vandals, squatters or trespassers breaking in is very real, and can put your property at serious risk of damage. Maybe you’ve inherited the property from a relative or you’re preparing a new office before you move sites. Whatever the reason, don’t risk letting your property be taken over by people who shouldn’t... ❯❯❯

Choosing my Perfect Get Away House

I grew up living in the big city of Atlanta, breathing in a steady stream of carbon monoxide and smog. The screech of sirens soothing me to sleep at night from across the concrete jungle. Close encounters with wildlife were limited to the occasional squirrel crossing my path over a sidewalk. Although it was only 2 hours away from Atlanta, the blue ridge mountains felt like a different world. I drove up the blue ridge parkway, watching the landscape dip... ❯❯❯

Warning Signs for Tenants and Landlords

Warning Signs for Tenants and LandlordsThe rental property game can sometimes be a minefield of warning signs, dodgy deals and bad blood between tenants and landlords. Although horror stories are few and far between compared to the overall rental property market, you should always be vigilant when making such a big investment. Here are some warning signs which can set off alarm bells. Bad tenants Renting out a property to relative strangers does take a lot of trust and can strain your... ❯❯❯

What You Need to Know About Extending Your Lease

Once you have been registered at the Land Registry as the owner of your flat for two years, you are able to apply for a lease extension. There are three main reasons people want to extend their lease: if they are looking to sell the property, if they want to raise finances or if they want to protect the lease length. If you extend your lease at a time when there are more than 80 years remaining, you can save thousands of pounds as you will avoid paying... ❯❯❯

Preparing Your House for Viewings

I’m looking at moving out of my home in Reigate by the summer, and after a string of viewings with no offers last year, I have decided to be more proactive about the selling process and look for ways I can improve my house to make it more attractive to buyers. A little bit of expenditure now can actually add a lot of value to the house, and anything that gets people interested in snapping up my property is something I want to do. Decorative order A... ❯❯❯

How Can Property Finders Like MLS Be More Useful??

It doesn’t take a genius to know that purchasing a brand new property is not at all a small decision to make. You already have an idea of how much is at stake. More than losing a huge chunk of your hard-earned money, making the wrong decision in purchasing your very own property can also cause you undue stress. Why put yourself through all that hassle when you can do something to ensure that you are buying the right property? You have probably heard of... ❯❯❯

Playing it Smart in 2013’s Real Estate Market

The buzz in the industry right now is that this spring 2013 will be the biggest year real estate has seen since 2007.  So far, inventory has not quite caught up to demand, which has helped things swing back to a seller's market. With the anticipated increase in sale prices, many homebuyers are eager to buy now. Because of these two factors, many homeowners will be considering selling their homes once again.  If you are looking to buy or sell real estate... ❯❯❯

Negotiation Tips That Can Help To Find A Shared Office Space In Boston

Finding the best office space for renting in Boston can be quite an uphill task. To overcome this difficulty, a business owner in the city can opt to share office space. People looking for shared office buildings should bear numerous things in mind. They include location, size, equipment and furnishing. Even when they find a space that suits them; several more things still have to be considered, the likes of negotiations. Analyze the rental agreement It... ❯❯❯

Renting in the City: a trap without a door

The property market is facing its biggest challenge yet: to pull itself out of recession in a struggling economy and in the midst of a Eurozone crisis. While house prices have fallen across most of the country and sellers are rarely getting their full asking value, in the capital there is still a huge demand for property from overseas investors and young professionals and families looking to rent. This is keeping the letting rates in the City high,... ❯❯❯

Should You Invest in Real Estate or the Stock Market?

No matter how you invest your money or where you invest your money, it can be huge gamble. However, when you are deciding whether to invest in the real estate or stock market, your best bet is to put your money in real estate. Think of it this way: would you rather put your life savings on a black jack table in Las Vegas or would you rather buy a home that can provide you shelter and grow in value over the years? Investing in the stock market is too... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Improving Curb Appeal to Sell a Home

If you’re looking to sell your home, you’ve probably received no shortage of advice on how to get the most money for your home in the quickest timeframe. Real estate experts will constantly push their services on top of the laundry list of tasks you’ll need to take on if you’re hoping to get anywhere near top dollar. The real estate market took a major hit during the recession, and property values are only now beginning to rebound. There are still far too... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Home Ownership Benefits

There are a number of reasons why owning your own home is great, like not having to deal with landlords and downstairs neighbors who complain about noise. Your home is a little bit like your own kingdom, where you can do whatever you like and make as much noise as you want to. While you might not be able to call the superintendent to fix a leak or a clogged toilet, once you feel the freedom that you have from owning your own home, you’ll be happy to fix... ❯❯❯

Where to Find a Reputable Realtor to List Your Home

The recent recession dealt a hefty blow to the real estate market. Millions of Americans lost their homes, which led to a glut of available properties. Home values are down, and many people who wanted to sell ended up having to hang on to their house for several additional years, with the hopes that the market would correct itself. Things have begun to turn around, but if you hope to get top dollar for your home, your best bet is to work with a real... ❯❯❯

5 Benefits of Buying an Energy Efficient Home

In today’s real estate world, the buyer is king. It wasn’t always this way, and if you were in the game just five or ten years ago you probably remember when property values were at an all-time high and you’d have to put a bid in the day you saw a house in order to fend off the other aggressive shoppers. Today there are thousands of houses on the market at any given time, and the sellers must take the time to consider their property from all angles, and... ❯❯❯

Will You Save Money by Purchasing a Fixer Upper?

Buying a fixer upper is the dream of many thrifty home owners. Buy a house at a greatly reduced price, work on it yourself or hire contractors, and enjoy your beautiful home happily ever after. It’s practically a fairy tale, but like so many other fairy tales, it is often not entirely realistic. If you believe that you can save money on your home purchase by buying a fixer upper, you may be right. However, every home and every home owner is different.... ❯❯❯

5 Tips to Help You Get the Best Return on Your Home

Have you been thinking about putting your home on the market lately? Although the real estate industry is certainly not nearly as “shaky” as it has been in times past, it’s still not thriving as much as it could be. Therefore, in order to make your home a place that catches the eye of potential buyers, you need to do certain things that will make it stand out from the rest of the homes they may have seen. Below, we’ve enclosed five ways for you to not... ❯❯❯

5 Spring Cleaning Tips to Help Your Home Sell

Spring is finally here, and if you’re dipping your toe in the real estate game, that means the busy season is about to begin. Although many markets across the country are still soft, home values are starting to turn around, and now is the time to prepare if you’re looking to sell. You do have a hill to climb, however. Thanks to the recession there are an awful lot of properties on the market, and many of them are listed well under where they would have... ❯❯❯

5 DIY Home Staging Tips for a Fast Sale

Due to the housing crisis many of our homes that we’ve put up for sale are just sitting on the market getting stale. You’ve had people come through and make an offer, but it seems to be a challenge to actually close a deal. Your real estate agent might recommend that you hire a professional staging company to fill the house with fancy furniture and accessories to entice buyers, but professional staging is expensive and out of your budget. Yet, it is time... ❯❯❯

5 Must-Have Office Supplies for Real Estate Professionals

As a real estate professional, your office really exists in three places: the car, in the homes that you have listed, and your main home or commercial office. However, it is in your main head quarters that you need to maintain a sense of professionalism and have the tools, at the ready, to do so. In order to be a success in the real estate industry you can’t let anything slow you down or stop you. Moreover, your efficiency as a real estate professional... ❯❯❯

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